Matthew Falagas MD, MSc, DSc

Congress Organisation

One of the goals of Alfa HealthCare is to contribute to the organization of high-quality bio-medical conferences in Greece and abroad


In colaboration with AIBE we have many important research programs in the fields of pathology


We invest in the education of our medical, scientific, and nursing staff as well as in new medicine methods.


Alfa HealthCare S.A. is a medical anonymous company founded in 2002 in Athens, Greece. Our first goal is to provide high quality medical care, in the fields of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases. We offer outpatient care, as well as, secondary and tertiary care at the hospital level. ...

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Alfa HealthCare Α.Ε.


Medical Services
Internal Medicine - Infectious Diseases
9 Neapoleos Str., 151 23 Marousi,
Athens, Greece

Tel.: +30-210-68.39.600
Emergencies: +30-694-61.10.000
